Wolfgang Tambour
Born in 1951 in Vienna, Matura 1969 at BRGX Vienna. 1971 admission to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. 1976 Diploma as academic painter Mag. Art. Numerous trips to “hydrophilic landscapes”, such as Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Norway, Lapland and Tierra del Fuego. Married to wife Isolde, two children, Conrad and Amelie.
In the early years panel painting in old master oil-tempera mixed media, from 1999 artistic change, tendency to realistic abstractions. Reflections and formations are the subject of a new perspective. Among other things, image components that originate from the microcosm are used. Real connections are lifted and merged into new pictorial order that surpasses reality. Habitual reality is dissolved and, through artistic reconstruction, finds a new order corresponding to the image segments and thus meta-reality. More recently, landscape painting has been at the center of the work again.
A particularly challenging and beloved form of expression is the woodcut, especially the color woodcut, which is often rubbed by hand with up to 26 colors per sheet, and also becomes stylistic in the design language of the new pictures. Other printmaking techniques include etching, aquatint, copper and zinc etching and linocut. Wolfgang Tambour lives and works in Vienna.
1970 Club d Auberge, Wien
1973 Galerie Bartenstein, Wien
1979 Galerie Schwarzer, Wien
1980 Galerie Dr. Auernheimer, Badenheim D
1982 Galerie Moering, Wiesbaden D
1982 Galerie Wien
1983 Ateliereröffnung Zollergasse, Wien
1991 Panorama-Verlag, Wiesbaden D
2003 Galerie Elisabeth Michitsch, Wien
2005 Hofbühne Tegernbach, Oö
2006 Druckgrafikausstellung im Atelier
2007 Kunstraum Dr. David Wien
2007 „DIE ERSTE ZEIT“ Buchpräsentation, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Sala Terrena, Wien
2008 Communications Center Donawitz
2008 Retrospektive im AH5 Margareten, Wien
2009 VEÖ Wien, „Wanderer zwischen den Welten“
Participation in exhibitions:
1971 Art Club Bad Hofgastein
1973 Künstlerhaus, Wien
1976 Akademie d. bildenden Künste, Wien
1977 Galerie Alte Schmiede, Wien
1978 Galerie DiDa, Graz
1978 Schloss Kornberg, Feldbach
1978 Hoffmann-LaRoche, Wien
1979 Kunstmesse Wien
1979 Kunstmesse Basel
1979 Demonstrator für Maltechnik im Stift Seitenstetten, Oö
1980 Demonstrator für Holzschnitt anlässlich der „Künstlerwerkstatt“
1988 „Realismus“ Wanderausstellung, D
1994 „Cuprum“ Lubin, Pl
1997 „The Sea Trout“ Lockerbie, Schottland
2000 Beitritt zu TaMaMu-Ensemble
2003 „Open Art2003“ Summerstage, Wien
2003 „TAXI 01- gegenständliche Kunst aus Österreich, Schloss Eisenstraße in Waidhofen/Ybbs
2003 „3 Maler aus TaMaMu“ Galerie „Vernissage“, Wien
2005 „100 oder Weihnachten wie damals“ Galerie a. Strich, Wien
2007 „100 oder Zeit für neue Bilder“ Galerie a. Strich, Wien
2007 Druckgrafik in der Klimt Villa, Wien
2007 „Kunst.Projekt.Annäherung 12+“, Wien
2009 Live-Projektion im „Bird Room“ Cafe Europa,